Monday, July 30, 2012

All of this pressure is driving me wild.

Just a few random things :) In my esthetics class we weren't allowed to shave anything. I know, it sounds crazy, but it was literally against the rules because we needed to practice waxing on each other all the time. But I figured that because the semester is almost over that I could just shave my legs. SCARIEST THING EVER!!! I felt like I was twelve years old again! I was so afraid of cutting myself!! Isn't it strange, I am so much less afraid of waxing than shaving!!! Just thought I would share my childish moment of the weekend.
I feel that I should also share THE WORST MOMENT OF MY WHOLE LIFE. On Thursday, the esthetics lab was a little swamped, so our class was volunteered to come and help them. No big deal, right. WRONG. I'm sure none of you remember the whole Sarah Seastrand ordeal, so let me remind you. She was talking shit about me any moment that she could. Saying I was pregnant, telling my teachers that my 'boyfriend' did drugs, the whole bit. Awkward, she was there in the class. And it really wasn't that busy, so while the girls that are REALLY in the class were sitting around while I did a chin wax and back wax (the clogger was sitting around in the other class pretending to do homework) but so then we're sitting around afterwards, just me a couple teachers and Sarah. So my teacher volunteers me, once again, to wax Sarah's arm. Because she was unaware that I have a huge grudge against her. THEN, after putting away my pride and talking to her, I'm halfway done when the teacher asks me, ONCE AGAIN, to do something else. A pedicure, no biggie, right? WRONG. This man is HOMELESS. And has FOOT FUNGUS. My teachers reaction to it... wear gloves. What the hell? The whole time, I'm livid because in a real salon I would be like gtfo of my salon. And the irony of this whole thing is that earlier that day I was saying how after I'm out of school I'm never doing pedicures because they aren't worth my time. Then I get the nastiest one ever. And he was a weirdo, he had like really bad sores in between some of his toes and I think that's why he came in for a pedicure. He thought I could cure it and he wouldn't have to pay a doctors bill. So every step I did he was like, can you put that in between those toes?? Like to the scrub and everything, he wanted it in between his toes. And I was NOT about to touch in between those toes!!!! EVERY TWO SECONDS I HAD TO TELL HIM THAT NO I WAS NOT ABOUT TO PUT ANYTHING IN BETWEEN HIS TOES. It was a piece of shit. Moral of the story: stop donating money to homeless people because all they do with it is torture me by getting pedicures. Ugh, couldn't change my gloves enough or use enough hand sanitizer. Forever later and I still feel dirty.
On Friday my teacher basically gave us the best lesson ever. I wish all of you could just know Joyce, she's this adorable old woman, super conservative, super loving, amazing woman. And on Friday she was telling us about how life is too short to not live your dreams and to try everything and do what you make yourself happy. If she knew yolo she would have added that in. I love Joyce. So she inspired me. Cidesco certification here I come.... I'm gonna be in school forever.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I was born with the ability to see stars.

Does anyone remember that creepy book I read a couple months ago about the girl that LOCKED HER BROHTER IN A CUPBOARD?? Well, it's a MOVIE. On netflix!!! Naturally, I had to watch it. But I don't want to alone because when I read it I got mad nightmares or whatever. And let me just tell you how hard it is to convince ANYONE to watch a two hour movie that's completely in french so you have you read subtitles the whole time. But Eric is amazing and that's exactly how we spent our night. 'Is Anne Frank real???' This kid is my best friend. Spi'erman. I forgot to mention it, but last week when everyone went to see batman, I went and saw spi'erman. And I loved it :)) Well, that was a tangent.
So today I went to a photoshoot thing correct? And it was pretty fun. Except that Eric changed the settings on my camera and it made my memory card fill up super fast. It's ok, I was always available to hold lights. Also, it made my day when I came as a photographer and got mistaken as a model. I know I'm a child, but I really like being told that I was prettier than all the models. Anyways, so my camera was full and I was superrr bummed, but I still had fun. But then the sunset came. And I was like 'PINK AND PURPLE OH MY GOD' Literally, so stoked on life that I can hardly contain myself. But my memory card is full. Imagine me running in circles in my front yard yelling for a memory card. Because that's exactly what happened. And as we all know, sunset timing is critical you have like three minutes for prime time. And I MISSED IT. Because my memory card was full. I WAS SO MAD. Everyone knows I love sunsets and I missed a really really good one!!!!!!!! I fully blame Eric. And halfsies my communications teacher because I was inside doing homework instead of being outside enjoying nature and therefor having enough time to get another memory card. I can blame everything on my communications teacher. I tripped on a rock the other day, DAMN THAT COMMUNICATIONS TEACHER!!! DAMN HIM TO HELLLLL! See how nicely that works? ;)
Cool story, this morning I was doing my thing on the ol' FB and I was like 'Travis McCormick I remember him' and I just got to thinking about him, just little things like the time he called me when he was drunk and left me the best voicemail ever and the time that he gave me one of his old shirts, just random shit. And then later that day he called me! It was a butt dial, but I still believe in that whole 'when you randomly think about someone, they're thinking of you' Maybe he didn't think about me, but his ass did when it called me. And that's how mother earth works in mysterious ways.
You're done, Adri. Go to bed. It's been a day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Take me out of here, before I start a riot.

I've been having an amazing week. My weekend was perfect :) On saturday, Eric and I went exploring up the canyon :) We found some beautiful waterfalls and it was even more perfect because it smelled like rain, but it wasn't muddy :) It was super fun. Then on Sunday I went boating with my family which was mostly fun. But let me just say that I hate hate hate when people try forever to get up on water skies and never can. But keep trying anyways. UHHHH. I believe in perseverance and everything, but not with boating. Try like five times and give up, k? 
I'm so excited about next week though :)) FINALS. Except then I have to do a crash course for two weeks. No biggie :/ Speaking of school... I'll be done in spring semester :)) I'll graduate with over 2,000 hours and I don't even care because I'll be DONE. (except then I'll go to masters. and fashion school. and so on) But then I'll be able to get a big girl job. Money money money money. 
Well this was slightly pointless.

I've gotten into the mood of putting commas in places where they really shouldn't go in order to make things more poetic.

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Saved by the bell RULES"
All I do is win, win, win no matter what. Suck it easy, Drake.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Spending my money for a walk in the rain, I'm drained

Me and Drake have been playing this game where we try to sum up the 90's in five words or less.
My winners: 'You are... my fi-re'
'Have you seen that Friends??'
His winners: he never wins.

So yesterday in my esthetics class we played with essential oils and Joyce gave me an aromatherapy massage. It was very nice. It's the weirdest feeling because the massage itself is actually not that amazing, but when I got up my back just felt so.. straight. And it hasn't felt that way since my accident, it was amazing. She's better than my chiropractor. But it was funny because I could hear all of them saying how asleep I was and how I was dead to the world. I was awake the whole time... I just have really even breathing... But last night I slept amazing. I seriously haven't slept that good in so long. I'm a believer. Then we did some homemade masks (this class is literally like a giant slumber party all the time) and it was amazing :) Tessi had a chocolate mask and it smelled divine, I quite honestly wanted to munch on her face. Mine was pumpkin :) it felt like burt bees all over my face :) it was a fairly good time.

Baby Bird is coming home. Lets repeat that with caps lock on. And maybe some bolded lettering. BABY BIRD IS COMING HOME.  At the last second I decided larger font was necessary as well. 
Anyways, happy Saturday my loves. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

A little girl just came  to my door trying to sell tamales. That's right, tamales, not girl scout cookies.
Why do I live in the ghetto? :((

For Greg :)

"What's that hole? What's that hole? What's that hole? That's the hole with the honey in it."

Never laughed quite so hard in communications before. 
Killer bees > any other subject on earth.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hopelessly behind in July.

Day one: Self Portrait.
Oh you didn't know? I'm batman.
Day two: Busy
I was busy creeping on her. She was busy being busy.
Day three: Best part of your day
Sunset. Always.
Day four: fun
Day five: On the floor
Oh hello, perfect puppy :))

Day six: Chair
Silly hobo, he thinks that's a chair. But it's not. Or it is?
Day seven: Garden
As a matter of fact, my sunflowers DID just bloom. Thanks for asking.
Day eight:Lunch
Day nine: Big

I'm so bad at July's list. I'm gonna give up now.

If you want to call me baby, just go ahead now.

This would only happen to me. I'm at the library today, right? Just hurrying along because I have other shit to do when BAM some jerkoff runs into me. Some jerkoff named masturbating Mark!!! (The guy that would come EVERY week to have me shave him and would then jack off under my cape. The guy that got arrested!!!!) So he hugs me. He. Hugs. Me. GET HOT WATER. GET SOME DISINFECTANT. GET SOME IODINE!!!! Then I pretend to be sad that he never comes to see me anymore, and I'm so good at being fake genuine that I'm afraid he might actually come back. I hate my life. But then that hot library kid that I met last year was there too. That was awkward. I couldn't remember his name and he couldn't remember mine and it was just like 'ohhhh hey, fancy seeing you here' pretty much; I'm paraphrasing. Obviously. 
My days have just been filled with embarrassment. So in class the other day we were listening to the radio and the Dido song 'thank you' came on. And being an Eminem fan, I couldn't resist.
 Dear Mister "I'm Too Good To Call Or Write My Fans"
Unfortunately they didn't understand my humor. I hate when people don't understand how funny I am.

Drake: Baby, can't you miss one day of class to come swimming with me? My body is just too hot to let it go to waste. And yours is alright too.
I love him.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pull the stars out of the sky and load them into her gun

I'm so upset right now. I know her. And I know the guy that did that to her. I saw them together almost everyday. I watched them kiss and I would tell her that they were a cute couple. Sometimes he would bring me food and I would eat it. You never expect this kind of thing to happen. You don't look at a couple and think, 'he's going to beat her up one day.' I remember when I had a black eye and there was a huge rumor that my boyfriend had beaten me up. Isn't it sad that a few months ago something like that was a petty rumor, and now it's the real deal. We didn't even know his real name. He was lying to us the entire time, and we all believed him; because why wouldn't we? How can someone seem so nice in person, a relationship seem so amazing, when really it's all just a big lie. He just left her there on the side of the road, beat her up and ran away. 114th and state street, that's close to Eric's. I don't know why, but knowing I've been to where that happened makes it so much more real. It was her birthday, and that's what she got. They'd been dating for eight months or something, and that's how it ended. He hasn't even gotten caught. She's had to have eye surgery and he's getting away with this. Last Thursday he wrote on my facebook wall, I didn't even think about it, I ignored it. And now I find out that he did this, they whole thing just makes me sick. I don't know how anyone, especially someone that claims to be a man, can do this to a woman. There is a special place in hell reserved for him, and I hope that until then he is reminded every day of what he did to her. I hope he suffers even more than she had to.
man up. this shouldn't be happening anymore.

You can't reach what has never been touched.

Weekend was tres crazy :) Saturday was Taya's wedding shower and I just about cried. Please don't get married, love. Stay my little girl forever :(( I can't quite explain why I'm so sad about it. But I got her a pinata :) I thought that was fun :) the black and white theme was gorgeous. I would go more into detail about gifts, but I think key words might be better. Two words: nipple nibbler.
My cousins have been here all week, in from California, and it's been pretty awkward. I try to go see them, but it's just weird. Probably because I wear halter tops just because I know it makes my aunt upset. I don't realize why I like to cause such a riot ;) My aunt Mary likes to do the same thing though, so we just have to smile at each other at out rebellious actions ;) If you knew how Mormon my aunt Stacy is, then you would understand why this is such a huge deal.
Zurchers wasn't open on Sunday and I was pissed because then I couldn't buy balloons. Still photographed a bit though :)
I'm so over the whole 'school thing' :( I just want a BREAKKKKKKKKK. Boo. On a positive note though, I officially have over 1,200 hours :)) To me, that's almost done, I'll finish soon. Then masters :)) I would just like to especially thank my mommy for coming to model Mondays and letting me torture her every time. And also Eric for letting me practice my facials on him :) that would be all :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Golden state of mind

Call me a slacker. Two weeks into July and I'm finishing June up. I just need to finish editing July and I'll post them. Tomorrow most likely :) but don't hold me to it of course. Like a slacker, I'll use an excuse. I have so much homework in communications :((
You know the difference between God and my communications teacher? God doesn't think he's my communications teacher.
Anyways, here's June
Day 24- on your mind
In class, we've been talking about sunscreen use and melanoma a lot, so that's just really been on my mind :)
Day 25- something cute
Day 26- where you shop
Boo, quality decreased.
Day 27- bathroom
Day 28- on the shelf
Day 29- soft
Doesn't it just look soft ;)
Day 30- a friend

Sunday, July 8, 2012

They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.

Life has been a little on the crazy side lately. Just a tad.
From the top. We've started bringing models in on Mondays in esthetics to practice on and I've been one busy girl. I'm just a little competitive, so I've taken it upon myself to do more than the other girls. Just out of personal choice, and so far, I'm dominating. Winner. Also baby bird screams like a little girl when having his chest hair waxed. Literally screams. Communications is pretty much a joke. We have a new project every single week so I feel like I'm never quite caught up and I don't like that feeling. I like being ahead, but I can't be with this gay ass class. And the teacher quite literally hates me.
Me and Eric went to Taylorsville 'Dayzz' (I personally think that is the most retarded spelling, but Eric says that's how I have to spell it) and it was a fairly good time. We waited in line for the ferris wheel for a good half hour and as soon as we got on, I remembered that I hate ferris wheels. They're scary. So the half hour I'd spent thinking of how romantic it was, was completely irrelevant when I get that high up in the air. I could fall or something. Or like look down. Either way that sucks. And poor Eric hadn't yet learned that I'm afraid of heights, but he certainly does now. I got mad at him if our cart even moved half an inch 'STOP ROCKING IT' I had a tendency to yell, thank goodness we made it out alive. It was a death trap, I swear. Then I got punched in the face. No big deal, it's whatev. Freaking Karli Eyre comes up to hug Eric and somehow manages to punch me in the face while in the process. She says it was an accident, but that sounds questionable to me.
Last Sunday me and Eric went to the Zoo :) I say that like it's happy, but the zoo is actually super boring. You walk around alllll day to see polar bears and tigers that won't even blink when you pound on the glass. Maybe if they did something it wouldn't be so bad, but honestly. They just sit there like a lump on a log, stupid animals. My favorite were the lions. The lion drinking fountains that is. It's too hot to go to the zoo. How do the penguins survive in this devilish heat anyhow?
The fourth of July was not really a big deal, it never has been for me. I almost don't even consider it a holiday, it's just an excuse to have work off and eat barbeque food... But anyways, Eric and I went to sugar house to see fireworks and it was a pretty decent show. Very nice you know, I think. I actually can't tell the differences between a good firework show and a bad one. It's all the same to me. But Eric gave me my last birthday present and it's beautiful. I'll post a picture of it later perhaps. I love it. Which brings me to Thursday in communications. I hate them all. Quite honestly hate them. So the ring that Eric had given me the very night before, was gone. I was in communications and my ring was gone. I started to have a meltdown. How can I lose something that expensive so fast, leave it to me. Anyways, I RUN upstairs to the bathroom as fast as I can to see if it's there. It isn't. I literally started crying. So I clean myself up and go back to class because I'm supposed to be the first one up for a presentation (you're kidding me, am I right?) but I'm in an absolute PANIC. I empty my purse completely just praying that I somehow looked over the ring box, but I hadn't. My teacher gives me the evil eye for disrupting his amazing, perfect, interesting, and most important class so I tell him 'I just lost a diamond ring.' He sneers. 'Well. That sounds dramatic.' Go. To. Fucking. Hell. A DIAMOND RING THAT I JUST GOT YESTERDAY IS MISSING AND YOU CAN'T EVEN GIVE A SINGLE DAMN ABOUT IT? That's when my dislike for him turned to hit list. I texted my mom begging her to go look in my car to see if it was there, and the angel that she is, she went and looked. And it was on the ground right by my driver door. Which really doesn't make sense. I put my car in my passenger side and always go around to get it. So how it got there I don't know. Personally I think God and Satan were like 'that communications guy is a dick, lets give her a break and let her find it' So thank god, and thank satan too. I hate communications with a passion. I'm going to bread his classroom, swear to god and satan I will. Then after class, in the rain, like the drama queen I am I cried to Greg about everything woeful in my life. And he was very good for tolerating my nonsensical side. Sorry about that :/ Color me embarrassed.
Bah. Then there was the eye doctor fiasco. An appointment should not take two hours. But it did. My eyes should not be dilated an hour before my class started, but they were. My doctor should not say 'one or TWO' in the same way the Professor Umbridge would, but she did. Nightmare.
On Friday I went to a photography club and that was a laugh and a half. I was the youngest one and of course the only one sporting a pink camera. We had a special guest come and teach us a bit about street photography which was fun, except that a lot of the concepts he taught required someone wearing a bright primary color. I was wearing red. And he couldn't ever remember my name, so he called me red shirt and I was his model. He even took a band photo of me 'Red shirt and the nobodies' he called it. I learned a lot though and it was all jokes :) it was a nice evening nonetheless.
Yesterday me, my dad, my mom, and Eric went to the great salt lake to take pictures of the sunset. Well, let me back up, we went and saw my cousins first because they came in from California and I was a little upset with them. Right after Eric came in Hannah and Allen started whispering about us. Like, how childish? Two can play at that game. I childishly whisper gossiped to Eric too, so ha. Take that. And my makeup looks better than ALL of theirs combined so HAHAHA. So we went and took pictures and I'll post them soon :) Then we watched Harry potter :)
Today was family day. And Eric participated in some of it. He came out to dinner at cracker barrel with us (he was not impressed to say the least) and he met the rest of my cousins. He was a good sport. I'm related to all of them and I don't even enjoy it.
So yes, now we're all caught up. I'm editing all my pictures and I'll post them tomorrow and then I'll be caught up for June and July :)

I like to begin my sentences with 'sometimes'. It feels like I'm floating through a whimsical fairytale

Friday, July 6, 2012

Internet isn't working properly. Hopefully will blog tonight or tomorrow. And hopefully post pictures, we'll see