Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm talking loud, not saying much.

Lets just say that yesterday can be summed up with this, I puked in some bushes on my way home from school. Yep. Even just saying that you can get the hint that yesterday was complete shit. First I locked myself out of my own house. Then after I got in, I couldn't find my smock that's required at school. After I finally found it, loaded up my car, and calmed down, my car wouldn't start. Instant tears at that moment. Because that was just the icing on the cake. The spilled milk that makes you cry. On my way to school, I resolved that I would only stay for theory and leave after that. So when Sarah told me I had a shampoo set, this helped me to make that decision even firmer. When I told her I wasn't going to stay, she promptly told me I couldn't leave because I had a client and it was nearly all booked. I swiftly told her I could do what I want. So whilst walking home, I starting to cry big heaving gasping cries. And well, I dry heaved in a bush. And was offered a cigarette directly after. That poor man thought that my problem was a hangover, when I could only wish it was that simple and that something as ordinary as a cigarette could fix my problems. Naturally, when I got home, work decided to call and make life even better. They asked me to close that night, because we had a walk the next day. That would mean staying until eleven or twelve just folding underwear and tucking bra straps. I declined on account of my car being a piece of shit this week. I always feel awful when I tell work no. Stressing because I felt bad for my store, I got a migraine. My migraine helped me to decide to take a nap. I woke up from my nap with a text from Andy saying I cheated on him the entire time. He never told me the source, but of course I can only assume that the source was Sarah. Just when I thought that I had real friends. I concluded the night with rolling a perm. Then, due to my nap earlier I wasn't able to fall asleep until around two thirty in the morning. Yesterday was a pile of shit. And lets just say it honestly could have been summed up with 'I puked in a bush walking home from school'
And you may have guessed, but today was also a pile of shit. I arrive at school, already in a teary mood, just to be set off by Sarah smugly telling me I had a perm while she had a haircut. I decided I couldn't emotionally handle that and would once again leave early. Due to problems that only a select few would understand, I cried my way through theory class. With only Ann and Robin asking me what was wrong. Why didn't anyone else care? Well, because Jaylynn had a tumor and that just takes priority sometimes. Well, I guess I lied. Sarah tried to talk to me, but I did my best to nicely dismiss her, because starting now, I don't trust her at all, and honestly I have her worst interest at heart. Last night I took a note out of Mitchell's mom's book. I texted Sarah if she had talked to Andy. When she said no, my reply was 'If I'm asking, I already know.' Lets just say that now was not the best time to double cross me. After unsuccessfully cutting my mannequins hair, Ann decided to use my awful hair as an example. Any other day I would have been fine. But this was the spilled milk of my day. I confided in Robin and felt slightly better. But definitely not better enough to stay and do a perm. So I left early. And here's the absolute highlight of my day, the one thing today that made me believe it would be ok; I opened the mailbox and there was one piece of mail, a letter from Benson. I've never been so happy for mailmen than at this moment in my life, I swear a piece of paper has never made me so happy. Especially when I opened it and saw that it was an entire full page! Benson is now a zone leader and will leave for mexico on December 5th. And he knows about, but did not give permission to that Elder that randomly wrote me. I may or may not have poured my heart onto four sheets of paper. Hint: I did. And I will be mailing his package out by tomorrow. I certainly do hope that it makes his day as much as his letters make mine. Now, I'm looking forward to the boyfriend getting off work so he can text me more often. And I just have to hope and pray that he hasn't gotten a cat in the meantime. I love you, boyfriend. Thank you for letting me swear quite a bit just because I hate hair, clients, and people. 'youda youda best' ;) oh what? It's not as funny as when Jessica says it? BOO, you whore ;)
'You and her are so different. She doesn't have a personality...' I love you, Robin :)
Tomorrow is a new day and it will be much much better <3

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