Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time passes us and I still dream about you...

Today. Wow. I looked amazing... ya know ;)
There was an egg with my name on it :) and then Trevor drew himself :) and there was like this GIANT snake and I know it's just going to come out and strangle the whole family! And it ate a mouse! On easter! Like wtf?! And there was a giant river of water! And Trevor looked like a little kid! But he's a big Trevy Trev.
And Terance: I do not write like a little kid! College has just made you stuffy! And I'm glad you lost that game (I lost the game) because I'm on Dixon's side :) but I always liked it when Dixon lost because he always made the cutest little temper tantrums :) that's my love child from my teased hair days :)
OMG. I held a BABY! I might like them now. I just want a six year old :) And she'll have really long blonde hair :) and I'll teach her how to be pretty and ladylike. Maybe I should just get a doll...
Thank heavens there is no school tomorrow :) But I have homework still :/ Revelli: Sometimes I hate you! Did you get an iPad?! Lets talk about our birthday later ;)
Two hours at grandmas :| 'what? that wasn't two hours was it?!' Yes...... it was.....
I've gotta go potty. My arm itches. I want candy. Definition of a child.
i have a craving for a deep conversation!
Mitchell tomorrow :) something amazing :)

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