Thursday, April 29, 2010

It feels like a romantic movie when it's raining.

It bloomed right before my eyes. Last night it was still yellow. But today it bloomed into a little puffball and it makes me want to say awh :)
Pissy pissy day :) some people cause hatred to swell within me and that's not the plan of jesus! I'm going to try to ignore it. Dixon always sends me subtle reminders that I'm blessed. I like your sass babyyy ;)
Mr. douche bag, you're contradicting words upset me. Take my revised paper before I throw chicken nuggets at your house. I can't wait to not have you.
Mr. Padjen helped me out of a toughy yesterday ;) I love my councilor quite honestly :)
The best place for me to be tonight was with my sister so thank the lord I was was with the two best people in the world :) got my jacket back. Douche bag, don't lend out MY jacket that I asked for YESTERDAY to your mothertrucking little sister. Thanks for the awkward situation, ahole. Go shove a cock in your mouth.
Messing with Travis at the blood drive :) hey guuurl :) yeah boii ;) do girls count?
Taking the best pictures ever with the little fam we created :) We're such studs :)
Love Taya, love my brother, love mi mumma, love Terance, Love Drake, Love Dixon, Love god, love Jesus, Love Mitchell, love myself :)
Now if you'll excuse me I'm about to talk to God with a ten minute prayer :) Mitchell inspires me :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Drake is a scheming WHORE!

So I bake a cake for him with the message that he so desires :) and we'll share with Dixon, but none for Terbear because we like to make him unhappy :) next time my cake will be prettier I swear :)
Drake, my cuddle muffin, would you please care to show me how to tuck my jeans into my nikes ;) I love you baby! This post was just for you so now I deserve one :) give my love to Skye :)

Grow a pair and go suck a big one. You're jizzing me off and I might hate you.

It's a filthy hot mess

Got asked to spontaneous :) I'm so excited for tomorrow :) :) :) and I approve of Mitchell's date :)
Stirring the pot :)
Math teacher pissed me off so it was payback time :) It's just like christmas, right?!
I'm good at cheating (L)
Stop being a little baby. You know it's the exact same situation. Karmas a bitch, yeh?
Josh gave me a bite bruise ;)
Monty's a slut.
Brenda cakes tonight :)
good day. I love my life :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Eff you, Nate. Shoulda kissed J.

The events over the last few days

soccer game. I made a new friend because I'm so nosy. I'm pretty sure his crab was dead though no matter what he says :) Glad I met this child!


Carnival :) I can only do rainbows :) but luckily Eric can sorta do more. We learned about rainbows and did NOT do anything in the girls bathroom!
Fugitive :) drive crazy! Just drive crazy! Fabreze! Smells like soccer in here! Good night :)
Missionaries that stare me down in sacrament (L) amazing lesson in young womens!!! I love Teri! She inspires me :) Making peace with Taya. Eating potato logs with my mumma. Blasting Ke$ha and looking pretty for the truckers! Getting as muddy as possible and driving through the BIG puddle :) Taking off my pants in the freezing cold :| RIP favey pants. Everything was Paul-ina's fault ;) "What the hell was that? (later) Omg that was the best!" mothertrucking ben breaking down all the time! Almost dying with taya in the mud... and again in the rocks. It gets better over the hill, it was like riding a horse. Taya's nasty muddy chest. Dirtiest girls alive ;)
"Yeh, I love when two girls get down and dirty together." Stfu, Dixon :)
I love my family. My sister included. x

Forgotten not forgiven

so much drama. and I'm thankful that it's about to be over.
GG tonight though :) and I can't wait for that.
ADTR concert hopefully :)
I love faithful people :)
We'll build each other up.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Win some, lose some

The jeannie pot :)

Good day :)
started out in third nephi
ended with history homework
with a soccer game in between :) freezing cold by the way :)
Triton sat with us at lunch, and as hard as me and Mitchell tried, hot cheetos were eaten :)
I missed Robbin
Crts... I'm over it
I made the Jeannie pot and she BETTER take that beast to college or I'll be heartbroken :) texting that girl on Monty's phone :)
I'm glad my best friend is going to be ok. I won't let it grow. I'll pray every night.
Friday morning I get to find out who everyone is :) I can't wait :) I hope that I like some of them, maybe know some? That would be nice :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm not leaving you for long...

I'll try to understand. Be patient with me.
I won't give up.
Love, Adri x

But I believe in the well being of your heart...

I'm just praying for the results at four thirty tomorrow. If it isn't nothing I have no idea what I'm going to do. But he's my bestfriend and I love him you know.
I don't know what I'm feeling right now :)
Monty strangely makes my day and I hope he wears his clubbin shirt soon :)
Thank you for telling me I looked pretty today because I needed that :)
Yes my tan is real, beazy :]
No my shoes aren't comfy, they're too small :)
Leaving my math book :)
Running outside? FAIL. Basically telling them how to teach yoga...
Crts... error... delete... back in.. WOOO. ERROR.... eurhhhhgeugu!!!
Serious talk at lunch. I needed that. I feel even closer to you now if that's even possible.
My pot is NOT lopsided so you hush jeanie before I lopside your face!
Missed you Tritey poo :)

Hurr mom ;)

Ask me questions :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I wouldn't even try but I think you can save my life

"allow the shit, because you're fucking blessed."
you're right, I am blessed and I'm lucky to have all this stuff that's going on in my life. The challenges I'm getting are a blessing :) and I'm going to learn to love them.
I floss with 20s :)
Smart car, dumb blonde :)
'oh no thanks I don't like vodka.' that's nice because this is gin as it's supposed to be...
Making peace with Zephryn
Swan Princess (L)
CHUCK is ADORABLEEE! I miss player chuck :)
BUT I love Nathaniel more. My heart is always going to belong to that man :)
Gonna get tan :)
this week will be better :)
dear anonymous formspringer, maybe later I'll write a better post :) xxxxx

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Through it all I've made my mistakes, I'll stumble and fall, but I mean these words

Brother Steele is a man of inspiration and power. He makes me believe and find strength. But the problem is that a while after that feeling leaves me. It lasted longer than usual today though. I'm going to make the change though. I'm going to spend more time reading my scriptures because now I have a lot more time.
I'm there for myself. Who needs anyone else.
I'm still unsure about young womens. What you said is true, but it doesn't make it easier. I just don't like it maybe.
Breakdown. Times about five. No big deal.
I just want to be alone.
I wish somebody, anybody would have noticed. But only Brother Steele did.
I want you to know, with everything I won't let this go. These words are my heart and soul.
It all flooded on me and I couldn't handle it. It was all exactly the same as before except worse this time because I was just starting to believe again. But I don't think I will again for a long time.
Just let me wipe my own tears. So I know how to when you leave me. Because you will. I promise you will.
Third time isn't the charm.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's a dirty free for all.

Skye: Be good to him and don't take him for granted. He is truly one of the most amazing friends that you will ever have and he is completely devoted to you. Don't walk all over him just because he lets you. I know he loves you and I know you love him, please don't mess it up.
Zarahemla: You have the most amazing guy I've ever met. Don't break his heart the way that he broke mine. To be honest, I'm always going to hate you. And I know it's because of jealousy, but you have exactly what I want. Treat him well and don't you dare make him change his standards.
Sluts: Step off from my best friend. He's a reborn virgin now. I'm not going to let you ruin that. He's having a change of heart. So put your trashy bra away, stop tempting him, and start respecting him before I come and punch your ovaries.
Sarah: My brother is way too good for you. Go away. That's all.

Stop taking everyone for granted. They mean something. They feel. They hurt. They love. Don't be the one that makes them stop believing in love.

...Just stay

"I hate my sister in law. She's a bitch."
My brother is honestly the strongest person that I can rely on. And he doesn't know it, but he's a great guy and there's an awesome beautiful girl out there just waiting for him.
"I cried the most when my giga pet died"
Everyone has secrets. The kind that we hide from the world and the kind that we hide from even ourselves. But once we realize them and overcome them is when we will be closest to peace. Peace on earth and peace within ourselves.
"Sometimes guys can be assholes when they're trying to figure themselves out."
Thank you. So much. There was a girl in the audience that needed to hear that. Your secret gave me chills and I know that God put us both in that room so that you could affect my life. When we're in heaven I'm going to tell you how grateful I am that I got to hear you speak.
Frank: thank you. What you do for people is amazing. You touched me tonight. There is hope. And I'll never let go of that because your speech doesn't have an ending, it doesn't end there. It's going to live on. You sorta saved me a little tonight and I know I'm not the only one.
Everyone needs that one person that they can reveal all of their secrets to. With no fear or embarrassment because they know that they will be embraced.
Well. I'm not going to give up looking for that, but Frank, for now it's going to be you and me. I have a few secrets here and there to tell you.
Please reach out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You are... my FIRE!

Yes, I am aware that I suck at blogging recently. So just stfu and realize that my life has been way too hectic for you to even realize :)
I love my friends and I love my family.
School is stupid.
I wore purple for her today.
Post secret tomorrow :) :) :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Miracle of miracles...

Fiddler on the roof. Wow. Tevya. Is. My HERO! His anger issues are the! Ima start yelling and grunting like him :D Im your wife... I KNOW!
The dream. Was AMAZING! I lived my life to see that scene. When the giant heads came out I was on cloud nine. And having my feet wacked down by my old teacher was absolutely my favee
Good play good play :)

Yestuuurday :)

Taya Jensen is my saving grace.
End of discussion.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She likes the way he sings

Barbie has like every occupation there is... superstar barbie, veterinarian barbie, hair stylist barbie, doctor barbie, ballerina barbie, garbage man barbie, male model barbie... ;) I heart thomas :)
Father of the bride (L) I don't know why I enjoyed that movie so much, but I did. I can't wait to have that kind of moment with my popopsy :) I hope I do :)
Dance was wonderful :) we had a slumber party in the locker room and arrived to class one by one :) justin beiber time!
'Goodmorning. A student died. Have a nice day.' ....How did he die?! What a way to start the morning :) oh haslam :) 'have the trackers caught you?' obviously not you card...
Terbear.... as a matter of fact I do enjoy it when you have zits. Lets not bring mine into this conversation!
Churchball :) made my day! Open locker.... :) giving Jordan his assignment back :)
I love you I love you I love youuuu :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh I forgot! There was this crazy goose! And it wouldn't stop honking! And this man kept saying why but I was like piss off we're taking a picture with a bus :)
Will you take our picture? WHY? Couldn't stop laughing :) I hope they remember us for the rest of their lives :) where did the states go? But they still have the alien circle!
Even when I was little I thought too much :)
Next time we're gonna doorbell ditch and take a picture at the same time :)
I love us :)
Talking about senior year in the same place we used to play when we were in kindergarten...

You feel what I thought I felt...

Today was AMAZING :)
Had the best time with my Bff Mitchello :)
Some of the pictures were like perfection :)
There was alot of little things today that just made my day :)
Except for history homework, but even that made me smile a little bit because of Elvis gyrating his hips :) yummmm :)
"Ima step out of this lingerie, curl in a ball with something hanes..." Drake, you're a boy. I hope you don't have any lingerie to step out of :| Love struck little child/sick piglet :)
I hope you aren't on seminary council! I love all the kids that really want to be on it. Then there's me that makes fun of it. And I get on. Take that and suck on it wenches :) Next year will be the best year of my life :) I'll have more school spirit than your mom! Eat it!
I just had an amazing design for a shirt :) I need to jot that right on down :)
I'm in love with the idea that you 'care about him so much' but you still call him colton. Everyone knows that isn't his real effing name. EVERYONE knows that. Stop pretending you care because you want in his pants. He won't be like that anymore. I put a fricken padlock on his belt buckle. And he will remain sober. For the rest of his life. And he will continue on with March madness. And I love that boy. He's gonna be the death of me. You know I love you babe ;) You make my day...
I'm done now :) ...that's what he said...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Time passes us and I still dream about you...

Today. Wow. I looked amazing... ya know ;)
There was an egg with my name on it :) and then Trevor drew himself :) and there was like this GIANT snake and I know it's just going to come out and strangle the whole family! And it ate a mouse! On easter! Like wtf?! And there was a giant river of water! And Trevor looked like a little kid! But he's a big Trevy Trev.
And Terance: I do not write like a little kid! College has just made you stuffy! And I'm glad you lost that game (I lost the game) because I'm on Dixon's side :) but I always liked it when Dixon lost because he always made the cutest little temper tantrums :) that's my love child from my teased hair days :)
OMG. I held a BABY! I might like them now. I just want a six year old :) And she'll have really long blonde hair :) and I'll teach her how to be pretty and ladylike. Maybe I should just get a doll...
Thank heavens there is no school tomorrow :) But I have homework still :/ Revelli: Sometimes I hate you! Did you get an iPad?! Lets talk about our birthday later ;)
Two hours at grandmas :| 'what? that wasn't two hours was it?!' Yes...... it was.....
I've gotta go potty. My arm itches. I want candy. Definition of a child.
i have a craving for a deep conversation!
Mitchell tomorrow :) something amazing :)

Every thought about you keeps me up all night...

Mike, I wanna be a barbie :) -What? Plastic with unidentifiable genitalia? It's the cleanest kind, sweetie ;)
Max the genius is a DOUCHE bag! Yes, I am aware it's illegal. Now help me!
Conference :) There was one that was amazing in particular...
RM :) but she was really loud and pissed trevor off :) grumpy little boy. Ben's that's what she saids were best :]
I meant that drake is just a plain and simple little WHORE! Cough sluuuuut cough!
Dixy poo, darling, I'm wearing my safari animals... do you remember them sweetie? You came and saw me that day. And sang halo. I miss that :) I listened to a song that you made a 'music video' to :) next spring conference don't be in the hospital. You are NOT to make a habit of this.
Terbear does inspiring things for me. Boy, you're maaa buddy ;)
I have stuff to say, but my mind is clouded with sleep so I dunno anymore :)
I'm proud of someone special at the moment. But she has no idea that I am. She inspired me to make a change that I'll never regret. You have no idea, but I love you. and you sorta changed my life. I have so much to thank you for...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Days go by and I'm still here... I'm here.

Bubble bath buddies ;)

"I find naturally skinny girls hot, but what I'm deeply attracted to are girls that work their ass off to stay skinny and healthy..." Oh the inspiring words of my friend Mikee Poo :)
'Adriana, I know our love is new, I barely know ya. I've fallin over you. It's the way you do the things you do that make me fall in love with. Adri, are you in love with me too?' You tried sweetie :) so hard. And that's all that matters.
Me and Katie got naked and frisky with little wieners :) shave my legs, whore!
I went to a beach over spring break, what did you do?
Don't you just feel like getting wet now?!
Chugga chugga dance :)
Miley needs to get some acting lessons and that movie needs to start avoiding some cliches.
We feed stale popcorn to ducks :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh and it's Drake that's the stripping whore!

Hey, Terance,

Darling, I need you right now. Like how I've never needed you before. I just can't get anything right. And I think I'm just waiting for you to come save me. Hurry. Please. Because this isn't going well. And I can't stop shaking. And I don't want to wipe my own tears because that's stupid. I want you to come here. Because you don't love me out of pity. Or pretend to I guess. I don't even know why you love me. I just know it's for the right reasons. You're the most amazing guy I've ever known. Please come home and bring Dixon. Because I hate him. I hate him so much because she was right. And I've wasted so much time. And Everything feels right when you just hold me in your arms. And nothing feels right at the moment. Because it's spinning all out of control like in my dream. And I'm going into a million pieces like how you interpreted that one day. Baby. Please come hold my hand and keep me together. Just like how we promised each other. I feel sick. And I don't know why. And there were all these things today that just added to it. And I keep doing all these mistakes. I hope my hair still grows. I don't want to open up to anyone anymore because it doesn't get you anywhere. If I ever start to trust someone they'll just get to know me and leave because my personality is jacked. Just like how she said. I don't even want this anymore because it's getting too personal and I don't like the thought of everyone reading all this. Because they ask questions that I'm not ready to answer. Because the answers hurt me. And that's all that I've felt the last while. I can't do this anymore. And you're the only thing that stops me sometimes. I want to go back to the simple days when we all knew what we wanted and had what felt right. But now when things feel right it doesn't even mean anything anymore because they're just going to come crashing down. All I want to do is scream profanity at the top of my lungs and maybe hurt something. Because things aren't the same. Everything is changing and going different. But I'm not ready for that. I can't accept myself anymore. And I don't want to see all this stuff around us. That the world is getting to us. And killing us. Terance, this is just too much for me. I should have come to california. Just left without telling a soul. And we could have stayed there and formed the life that would be perfect. We could have cut off contact with everyone else because I don't even know if they matter anyways. It could have been like the way we always talked about. But it wouldn't have been. I know it wouldn't have. But how much do you wish that could just be. I'm too different for myself now. Every single second I'm just thinking about hacking off my hair and never touching makeup again because then at least one thing would be like last year. But it would be the only thing. And my mind just keeps going in circles and landing on the same point. What if you aren't who I think you are? Because that has happened to me way too many times before. What if you don't really love me because I've trusted you too much and opened up to you with all this stuff and now you just feel bad for me? What if you just think I'm pretty? Or that this is all just a joke that I'm not clued in about? Sometimes I wonder if I'm in a coma and this is all just a dream. But why would I dream myself into something like this? Why wouldn't I have made myself a princess? I need to start over. Redo. Because I don't even understand myself anymore or why I do the things I do. I don't know me. Maybe that's my first mistake. Because this really is all my fault. But I can't face getting to know me because I'm too scared that I won't like her. I probably wouldn't. Or maybe I would. Out of pity though because everything is so jacked up. I'm done.
Mom, don't even bother asking about this because I'm not going to explain it to anyone ever again.