Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wrapping April up :)

So that's day 28- 1pm. Studying. That was my weekend. Stressing and studying. Which, funny story was a huge waste of my time. So my teacher was like here's a huge packet containing 500 questions. For our final I'm choosing two hundred of them, putting them in a bag, and you'll choose five, that's it. What did I do? I MEMORIZED 500 THINGS!!! I felt pretty ready for our final and was worried for all the other girls because it appeared that no one else had studied (I literally spent twelve hours memorizing) Imagine my dismay when I pull out my five questions and two of my questions weren't even in the packet. I STUDIED THE 500 THINGS! WHAT MORE DID SHE WANT??? Apparently I should have studied the whole book. I was LIVID. I just thought that was so unfair. And then part of the game was if you missed your question you would pass it on to the next person. HOW UNFAIR. In multiple choice questions it's always between two! So if we didn't get it right for sure the next person would!!! So Mandy (the DUMBEST girl in the class. The absolute DUMBEST) sat in the perfect spot and got all the discarded questions and basically got more points than me! JUST BECAUSE SHE WAS LUCKY. I was SO mad. I still got an A, but that isn't the point. Finals should be fair and that wasn't. They wonder why they're cutting our program?? We played a GAME for our final! They seriously wonder why our credibility of a program is being questioned?! A GAME. For a FINAL. Honestly.
Day 29- circle. And may I also just add how much I hope this car blows up because I hate it so much. I hope it blows up and goes to car hell. It's ruining my LIFEEEEEE.

Day 30- something that makes you sad. WHEN I HAVE TO LEAVE MY PUPPY HOME OR PUT HIM IN HIS CAGE!!! Makes me wanna die. I just love him so much.

And just one more thing that I think is pretty cool :)

Alright, so I went to Barnes and noble because I super duper wanted a book, but when I went there they told me it was out of print, but if I payed in advance the company could print a copy for me. So I did and I am just slightly amazed by the fact that this book was printed just for me :) 'Warm up the press, boys! A girl named Adri wants this book!' It makes me feel kinda special :)

Nates farewell. So long, jockstrap

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