Thursday, May 31, 2012

There's nothing more painful than failing at love.

Alright, so lets catch up on life, shall we?
So Kylie's wedding was not too long ago. Maybe. I'm not sure actually. I think it was two weeks ago now? Probably. But this wedding is proof that me and my brother can ruin any 'lovely' moment that there is supposed to be in life. First of all I see my friend Maria there, so I call her over to talk to (Sidenote: me and Maria were quite close for a moment, but then she switched to morning so we don't see each other very often anymore) and I was surprised that she was there alone so of course I ask her where devyn is. "we broke up... a month ago" I felt HORRIBLE! They were together for like three years! But she told me that JayLynn just found out today too and they've been in the morning together all semester implying that she should have known, but was too self absorbed to find out. ANYWAYS, so when me and Ben went through the line (which is a stupid ceremony that I will refuse to do) Kylie tells me she's excited for 'tonight' Ben thinks she means sex because seriously what else could 'tonight' mean?? But when he made a raunchy comment/sound or whatever she seemed pissed. But wait, there's more ruining to be done, and this is worst of all. She had a photo booth there, the kind where you close the curtain and it takes pictures you know? For some reason me and Ben decide to flip the camera off. Full fledged middle fingers up. And this wouldn't be so bad except that one of the copies goes to the bride and groom!!! :0 HOW EMBARRASSING! This was a TEMPLE marriage and we decide to make a vulgar hand gesture :| as least we didn't moon it, I suppose.
Then there's school. Idk about school. Jessica bothers me, Tessie is ok, but Jessica really bugs me. She's a clogger and every time there's music on she stomps her feet and claps her hands. HOW UNNECESSARY IS THAT. Quite. But I can't just be like 'Yo, sister, this isn't a dance class, stfu or I'll cut you' So I try to deal with it, refraining from punching her in the balls. Today she sent me over the top though, we were waxing her arms and she starts crying. Because she's so stressed because she's going to disney world tomorrow. Who the hell cries because they're going to disney world. I wanted to slap her for being so ignorant or whatever. But so yeah, waxing. This week I've had so much hair ripped out of my body. Bah. Under arms, Bikini (which is a waste of time, just give me a Brazilian bro...), full legs, arms, tomorrow we're doing face, imagine any hair on your body and we've gotten rid of it this week. Which was kind of a funny story. I've had my legs waxed before and that was one huge painful nightmare, so I was extremely nervous to start waxing everything. And it reminded me of my eighteenth birthday when me and Kira and Robin had that piercing party and Robin was so nervous that she peed like fifty times. Well, nervous Adri at her best, I peed like 9827568258254867 times. But it wasn't so bad. I haven't screamed or sworn once (To fit in, I'm letting them all believe I'm a good Mormon girl) and even when they lift or don't pull taut, I only wince slightly and tell them it's ok. I love waxing though. LOVE it. I'm super good at bikini, so come at me ladies. I make you look very very nice.
Over memorial weekend I went boating and it was a lot of fun :) Ben and Krystal went up saturday and camped till monday, but me and Eric just went up sunday and even though it was FREEZING water, I still jumped in :) first one in the water this season. Tubing was a questionable experience though. I went with this girl justine and we told Ben to go a little slower because we didn't want to get all wet all over again. So what does he do? He zig zags at full speed. Justine takes up the WHOLE tube so I'm left with my legs just slapping the water over and over again (believe me, it's super painful. I bruised instantaneously) But Ben is really bad about socializing when he's with his girlfriend, he ignores the whole group just for her. Which SUCKS because only three people were camping! So poor Isaac is a complete third wheel and even told me and Eric he felt like one! After dinner Ben and Krystal decide to 'go to the bathroom' for an hour and a half! And me and Eric can't just leave him there! So being the good people we are, we become interested in his knife collection and in his stories and all that. And sometimes it was genuinely interesting, but we just did our best to make sure HE felt special. I'm pretty sure he had no idea what my name even was, but I can tell you his whole life story and that's important when you talk to people. To know about THEM and not always direct the conversation to you. Isaac was pretty cool though super super talented at what seemed like everything and it was nice to talk to him :) And I know Eric liked him and so we did what we thought was our duty :) And that was that :) Soooo that's my life :)
Hopefully june will be a better blogging and photography month :)

Lets finish this shizz up

Day twenty: something you can't live without

TOILET PAPER! Imagine life without that... :|
Day twenty one: where you stand
Cut hair not programs :))
Day twenty two: pink
Day twenty three: technology
Day twenty four: something new 
My new wax heater :))) LOVE IT.

Also, look at the new gorgeous rose that bloomed :) NEW

Day twenty five: unusual

Hail in may??? 
Day twenty six: Twelve o clock

Noon means theory. Theory means bookwork :(
Day twenty seven: something sweet

My toy story fruit snackers :))
Day twenty eight: the weather today
Day twenty nine: a number

Day thirty: your personality

Day thirty one: something beautiful

To be honest, one of my favorite things in the world is a setting sun lighting up the skeleton of a tree

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Photo diary.

Day fifteen- love

Day sixteen- what you're reading
Day seventeen- snack

Day eighteen- something you made

Day nineteen- a favourite place

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

All I know is that to me, you look like you're lots of fun.

So today was my first day of esthetics orientation :) it's pretty cool that there are only four of us there :/ And that I'm the youngest. And that they're all married :/ bahh. And that I can't shave anything anymore. Not even my bikini. Bahhh. Other than that it was good :) they're all nice and the teacher is pretty chill. We already took a test though! How ridiculous is that?? And did TWO chapters!!! Holy omg!
I've been going through my iPhoto and deleting old pictures/putting them on my blog and then deleting them and it has me thinking about a lot of things. Things that used to make me bitter and sad and hateful, but don't anymore. It's weird how time heals everything. I hate that saying, but it does. Even the most painful things can be healed through time and patience if you'll let it happen.
well, my life is boring. That's all. More school tomorrow and then probably just more school after that. My life will be exciting after I graduate and it will all pay off!!!! Like when I work on a cruise ship!!! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

How about one more post, because I'm in a good mood :) A GOOD FLOWER MOOD :)

You're not alone, but you're not alive.

Day fourteen: grass

So today school started again. I'm not thrilled about doing summer semester, but I really want to get my hours done and progress as much as possible, so summer semester it is. We saw the list of the girls that will be in our classes and I'm pretty bummed. There are only TWO other girls in my class!!! It will be so awkward if I don't like them!!! Or they don't like me!!!! I hope it all works out though :) but so on orientation day we always just read the rules and then go home, it's a no brainer day and it's also a day that we don't have to be in uniform. So what do I wear? Short shorts and a tank top. And what list of rules do I have to read in front of everyone? Dress code standards. I HATE IRONY. 

A little bit of random :)

Busted out the ol gameboy ;)




Prom :)

I didn't mean to take this picture, but I really liked it :)

No one even knows how good I am at drawing titanic...

A sith... obviously...

USB... get it :))

I love him :)