Sunday, March 25, 2012

And when the wind does blow against the grain, you must follow your heart.

Lets discuss weekend events shall we? Saturday was incredibly long. But in the way that means you've crammed so much stuff into one day :) We went fourwheeling that day and Ben brought his girlfriend and everything and it was pretty fun. We went on this old cow trail that reminded me of Taya the entire time because we went on it with her the first time. I've been thinking about her so much lately. I don't want to say that she's making a mistake, but yeah, I think she's making a mistake. In my heart I know that she's marrying the wrong guy and it makes me sick. But anyways, we went to the top of this mountain where there are all these cell towers and stuff and it was absolutely stunning. It's always gorgeous to look down on the valley and see nothing but greens of fields and blues of water. I love going up to the top of things so you can look down at the full picture. Life is prettier that way. We went home after that, but as tradition goes, we went to cracker barrel after that. It was fun. We talked about Ben leaving and how sad it's going to be and everything, but I'm sure it will be a good thing. We weren't there for very long, but I was so wiped out from a day spent out in the sun exploring. Still though I was in the mood to see a movie. Specifically I was in the mood to see hunger games. Everyone was talking about it on facebook! And I thought it was a good book and everything so why not, right??? So when Eric got off work we went to see the hunger games. I was highly disappointed by the fashion and makeup/hair aspect of it. Honestly, I expected more from the capitol. MORE color, MORE unusual lines and designs. I just expected more. Too much maybe. It was oookkk, not the kind of movie I would buy, but if it was on netflix I would consider watching it. You know what I mean? But the movie was SO long that I didn't even get home until one. After THAT long of a day! I fell asleep almost instantly and slept quite solidly through the rest of the short night :)
Today was really fun though :) I went to the festival of colors and it was my first time ever going and I just had an absolute blast :) Even though we walked like two miles from the car to the temple, it was so fun. The walk was actually one of my favorite parts! The people throwing color at you while you hiked your way there and then on the way back you throw color at their perfectly white shirts :) it was an excellent walk :) I loved the drums. I loved the people. I loved having color thrown at me by random people. I loved the chalk dust everywhere. I loved the countdown and the rainbow we all threw into the air. I loved it ALL. Even having purple boogers was fun to an extent :) I've never danced in a sea of rainbow dust until today. It's like a magic dream with a million people :) I saw Brian blomsness there and that made me feel so old!!! I can't even describe the feeling of seeing someone you liked and just thinking 'lord that was a long time ago. I was so immature then' because honestly I was. That's back when I was in love with Triton and listened to screamo music (lord almighty) that's when I was most insecure and hated school. I had just gotten extensions. I had just started my blog. SO long ago. I guess I really like that feeling Brian gave me, that momentary flash back. Especially because things with him never ended badly. We never hated each other for stupid reasons. That's how it is with Zak too. Always friends even though you liked each other once. I wish it could always be that way. But whatever, such is life. ANYWAYS (tangent there...) we then ate a delicious dinner of shrimp pasta stuff that eric's mom made :) Life is very good. Especially after you take a shower to get all of the nasty off of you :)

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