Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm not happy right now. Bullet points, shall we?

  • I just want a break. 
  • Trying to study for too many finals=not focusing on any of them
  • I need to tell baby bird to stop coming home because I'm tired of crying every time he leaves.
  • I don't want to do the crash course anymore. I'd rather stay home and watch sad movies all day.
  • I dreamt in facial steps last night. I don't think that's healthy.
  • I'm too jealous of a person.
  • Jealousy deserves two bullet points.
  • Three actually
  • I'm over this whole waking up and having a period when I shouldn't be having one thing.
  • Can someone please not be too busy to listen to me. Maybe even let me stress cry a bit on their shoulder. Please? 
You can't spell school without I hate my life. Honestly.

Plus side, one final down. Got a 98. Yet somehow saying that doesn't make me feel better knowing that I won't do that good on any more of my finals. Stop being a perfectionist, Adri. You're a joke.

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