Monday, August 13, 2012

So randomly this morning
there was a bunny rabbit in my yard. So I called my mom and was like 'there is a rabbit in our front yard' and she laughed at me and told me things I could do.
forty minutes later she asked what happened.
'I caught the bunny rabbit.'
'you did'
'I named him Norbert'
'You have an hour an a half to get rid of the rabbit.'

Forty minutes of me and Eric chasing a rabbit around. And we successfully caught it under my trailer in the backyard. Rabbits are a joke.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dreaming old dreams, wishing old wishes.

Sometimes, in the most random of moments while simply driving around, I'll see your car. Even the slightest bit of you makes a deep crimson rise to my face, seeing your ear or the back of your neck. And suddenly in that moment I can hear the bass of your music, too loud, too sharp, too perfect. Even the junk sounded good while I was there beside you. Singing along, messing up the lyrics, but getting them right. Dancing dangerously as our parents have warned us not to. Seeing your car, exactly how I remember it; the shade of the color, the rust spots, the dents and curves, it almost makes me believe again. Seeing your jawline, even from a distance and through layers of windshield glass, and I can hear the bass again. But you can't hear mine. I don't have faith in that; anymore.

I am happy, I swear.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Well, it's been lovely, darling.
But I'm afraid I'll have to pass.

I'm tired of dreaming of people who aren't my friends anymore.
I'm not happy right now. Bullet points, shall we?

  • I just want a break. 
  • Trying to study for too many finals=not focusing on any of them
  • I need to tell baby bird to stop coming home because I'm tired of crying every time he leaves.
  • I don't want to do the crash course anymore. I'd rather stay home and watch sad movies all day.
  • I dreamt in facial steps last night. I don't think that's healthy.
  • I'm too jealous of a person.
  • Jealousy deserves two bullet points.
  • Three actually
  • I'm over this whole waking up and having a period when I shouldn't be having one thing.
  • Can someone please not be too busy to listen to me. Maybe even let me stress cry a bit on their shoulder. Please? 
You can't spell school without I hate my life. Honestly.

Plus side, one final down. Got a 98. Yet somehow saying that doesn't make me feel better knowing that I won't do that good on any more of my finals. Stop being a perfectionist, Adri. You're a joke.