Sunday, February 26, 2012

'Cause all I am is a blonde rebellion.

Today, me and my mom started planning my wedding dress. Lace. Lace. Lace. I guess now we just have to find someone who wants to marry me.... Oh well, everyone knows that the dress comes first ;)
On Thursday I had THE funniest client ever. I got the ticket with the name 'Spore' on it. And they told me he was wearing tie dye. That alone is enough to know you're in for a treat :) The first thing Spore does after I've seated him is show me a picture of what he wants his hair to look like. The picture is his seventh grade picture ID. So I begin to do his hair (after I asked him what his name about. 'Are you jewish or something??' no... it's warrior or something) and he tells me about how he makes his own tie dye and hemp bracelets. I'm sure this was only so funny because his name is Spore. He works in recycling (also more funny on account of his name. ....well, ok, all of these facts are funny on account of his name) he lived on a farm, he supports selling rabbits on the side of the road, he has a secret tattoo in a secret place that has to do with peace, love, and music. He used to be in a band, he's taking a native american pottery class, he told me I enhanced his natural high, and he was wearing TIE DYE. This guy was a HOOT and kept me laughing the ENTIRE time :) I loved him :) that day was superrrr busy though. I did three haircuts, a shave, and a beard trim. It was INSANE. Also, when creeper Marc greeted me with a hug, I almost cried :( He's so creepy. He always makes me feel dirty for some reason.
As of Friday, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially DONE at Victoria's secret. And I've almost never been happier. Putting in my two weeks set me free. I sleep better and I'm happy :) SCREW PANTY BARS! SCREW FLOORSETS! AND SCREWWWWW SHITTY NEW MANAGEMENT :))))
making money < being happy.

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