Tuesday, February 28, 2012

And I want you in my life.

Fun fact of the day: adri can't read when she's nervous.
So we were playing a game in theory today to study for our finals and all we had to do was draw a test question out of the bag, read it, and give the answer we think is right. Our names were on the board and everything to get points and stuff. So naturally I'm nervous because I don't want to miss my question and look like a dumbass in front of everyone!!! When I drew my question, I was fairly relieved because I knew what the answer was, so I was just reading along about the HIV organism and everyone is laughing at me. So I stop and I ask them what's SO funny. Well, apparently I said orgasm and not organism. THAT is what is so funny. I hate my life :( They laughed A LOT.  f.m.l.
Then I did like a million services today! Including my final shave on Eric, but it was one of my worst shaves!!! I NEVER cut people!!! But what do I do today? I decide to give him a butt chin cut! I DESERVE TO FAILL! Then I cut Drake's hair and then shaved someone's head and their face (no cuts whatsoever, surprise, surprise. I hate my life!) Whatever :) he thought I was cool for going to movies by myself and for having my septum pierced. I thought he was cool for having a pedo stache, a mohawk, and hello kitty socks. He was a nut :) But, what do you expect, it's a community college.
My embarassing, hateful day came to an end with the gym. Where I was pissed that new orleans lost to the bulls. Come on....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Burn like coal and dry like tears.

Well, today was nothing special. Other than the fact that Mark (creepy mark) got ARRESTED at school today!!!! Some girls watched as he got his shave done and they thought that yes, he was jacking off under the cape, and they called the COPS! They wanted me to talk to them, but by the time I was done with my clients, they were done and he got ARRESTED! It's a crazy time in beauty school! Then I cut my finger really really bad :( finals tomorrow :) excited.
I went to Victoria's secret at south towne and talked to Jenny for a minute :) she agreed that fashion place went to hell and doesn't blame me at all for quitting, she said she couldn't even have stayed much longer. And that Jen got a job at Tiffany's in the new mall that's coming :)) That's SO exciting for her!!!
American eagle pants are retarded. Size zero are like three inches too short. Size two are way too big, but they perfect length. And they don't carry odd numbers. :( Why are stores so stupid. Forever 21 didn't have anything smaller than a 26. Why is it so hard to find black skinny jeans?????? Lord.
At the end of sentences, my brother has gotten into the habit of saying 'hashtag (enter word)' Even though he doesn't understand hashtags :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

'Cause all I am is a blonde rebellion.

Today, me and my mom started planning my wedding dress. Lace. Lace. Lace. I guess now we just have to find someone who wants to marry me.... Oh well, everyone knows that the dress comes first ;)
On Thursday I had THE funniest client ever. I got the ticket with the name 'Spore' on it. And they told me he was wearing tie dye. That alone is enough to know you're in for a treat :) The first thing Spore does after I've seated him is show me a picture of what he wants his hair to look like. The picture is his seventh grade picture ID. So I begin to do his hair (after I asked him what his name about. 'Are you jewish or something??' no... it's warrior or something) and he tells me about how he makes his own tie dye and hemp bracelets. I'm sure this was only so funny because his name is Spore. He works in recycling (also more funny on account of his name. ....well, ok, all of these facts are funny on account of his name) he lived on a farm, he supports selling rabbits on the side of the road, he has a secret tattoo in a secret place that has to do with peace, love, and music. He used to be in a band, he's taking a native american pottery class, he told me I enhanced his natural high, and he was wearing TIE DYE. This guy was a HOOT and kept me laughing the ENTIRE time :) I loved him :) that day was superrrr busy though. I did three haircuts, a shave, and a beard trim. It was INSANE. Also, when creeper Marc greeted me with a hug, I almost cried :( He's so creepy. He always makes me feel dirty for some reason.
As of Friday, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially DONE at Victoria's secret. And I've almost never been happier. Putting in my two weeks set me free. I sleep better and I'm happy :) SCREW PANTY BARS! SCREW FLOORSETS! AND SCREWWWWW SHITTY NEW MANAGEMENT :))))
making money < being happy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Forever ago-ish Pictorials


Oh hey Batman. Oh hey Robin.
ALSO! Notice my real hair :)

Superman; because you only live once.

Just hopin' to meet Tom Cruise or somethin'

Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean it. I just want you back for good.

Well today. WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! So I get a client named KJ (which stands for Keith Junior, a fact that I found amusing) and he was like 'I just want a trim. Just take a little bit off' I had different plans though. I was feeling lazy and not in the mood to do an outstanding haircut, especially because he had a very bad cowlick that I didn't want to deal with. So I told him that he should shave his head. And I was joking at first, truly I was, but I saw him contemplating it, so I pushed the idea a little further. Finally I got him to agree, very willingly in fact. So I took down one of the sides, and I decided that he should definitely do a mohawk instead (for the sake of his band of course. He was going to be an engineer, but he's in a band. This is definitely a band haircut. Not an engineer haircut.) And I got him to agree to a mohawk instead. So my client just went from wanting a little trim to getting a MOHAWK. And that's how it's done ladies and gentlemen. He said it was my smile ;) When I told my teacher what I had convinced him to do, she said that I must have one hell of an influence over people. I have INFLUENCE :) I also convinced KJ that for the sake of his band, he should start going by Keith Junior, grow his mohawk to be really long, dye it orange (which once suggested, he was willing to do on the spot, but I told him to have it done at home because it's cheaper), and that his drummer should get a perm. He was very agreeable to all this. And when his band is famous I will credit it to one thing; that on Wednesday, February 22, a girl named Adri convinced him to get a mohawk. This hairstyle and hairstylist alone will be the reason his band makes it in this world ;) Then he tipped me five bucks. For giving him a haircut completely different than what he asked for. WINNING.
Also, found out that Brittany is in an open marriage. Very interesting. Today was very nice. BEST DAY OF MY LIFEEEE.
AND I only missed two questions on my midterm test. WINNING.
Then the gym with my mumma :) Stupid jazz barely lost the game and I was fairly upset. At least the heat won yesterday and I was like BAM! But the poor guy next to me was rooting for the other team. Still though... WINNING.
Allow me to correct my post yesterday. I'm DONE with style cuts! And over halfway done with shaves!!!! WINNER. Now midterm test today. Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Also. Two more style cuts needed, halfway done with shaves :)) Just need to get my tapers done and I'll be home free.

New obsessions.

I love abandoned things. You think that would mean I would love my blog, because that was abandoned, but such is not the case. New orleans six flags on the other hand... OBSESSED. I need to go :(

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

But never doubt that I love.

Yesterday I had a client that was one of my absolute favorites. His name is Frank. I wasn't happy to get his ticket because I thought he would be an old, picky, grumpy OLD man! But he was a younger, fresh, and nice guy. We talked about his job for a while, and his kids, and his marriage. I asked him what the key to a happy marriage is and he simply said respect. MUTUAL respect though. And I liked that because most guys are like 'I am king, you are woman, you make sandwich!' But he said it was mutually respecting each other and always compromising. He said that saying 'please' and 'thank you' can mean much much more than saying 'I love you' he told me about how his wife fell in a deep depression in their first five years of marriage and he said how easy it would be to have left her, but how there was much more to gain from helping her and loving her. He opened up about his involvement in the church and he asked me about my membership. So I told him about my baptism and how family circumstances made it difficult and how I was shunned for my calling on seminary council. And it was very interesting because he also described himself as 'the black sheep of his council' he'd had similar problems of being left out and losing friends. He told me not to give up (I didn't have the heart to tell him I did a long time ago) and he told me that he was really glad he came in for a haircut and got me as a stylist. And I'm similarly grateful for the experience of doing his hair and talking with him. I think he is amazing, and I'm always going to try to remember his words on marriage and raising kids. People like this make the industry worth it.
Today me and my teacher Ann were just talking a little bit. And I've heard the story of her late husband, but today she told it again. She told me about how he knew he would die before he was thirty, that he would never see his kids go to school, and that he knew how he would die. He told her exactly what clothes he wanted to be buried in, what music he wanted at his funeral, and he picked out his own casket. He had absolutely no health issues, but he knew he would die. And he did, in a car accident, when he was 29, in the August before his daughter started school. Somehow he knew he was going to die. She was crying when she told me all this, and I was crying too, but she was telling me to illustrate one point. That he knew when he would die, but we don't. So we need to live all that we can, up to our best potential. I'm always saying that I'm too intense or overwhelming for people, and she doesn't know that, but she said those exact words to describe her own way of living and how much it's benefited her. She made me feel like it's all ok. That it's ok to be like fire. As long as I marry someone that's like water. So I can boil them, and they can put me out. That happy medium. It's a curious thing how Ann knows what to say without even being told anything else.
Yesterday Andy texted me and I was an asshole. I felt bad for a little bit, but I only felt bad for Pam, not because I hurt him. Maybe I'm just not a very good person, but at least I'm saying what I really mean.
They didn't use my call in today and I was like woo hoo :))) Hopefully gunna work at a tanning salon soon :) Infections feeling better :)