Wednesday, January 11, 2012 month later.

Well, here we are almost a month later. No, I haven't forgotten or abandoned my blog, but I'm too busy for it 90% of the time. I'll try to be better though :) not for me or any of my followers, but for my mommy :)
Buuuut because there are three weeks between this post and my last, I decided that BULLET POINTS are the way to go. No worries, no one will fully understand it.

  • (on the plane) 'Sorry, passengers, there will be a brief delay before take off because of a broken part that needs repair' ....they could have just left it at 'there will be a delay' 
  • tatttsoooooweh 
  • hi yah.  hi yah. hi yah. 
  • beach. shorts. december. no biggie. 
  • strolling in beverly hills looking for eminem
  • cool names like forest and phoenix 
  • shoes for the boy that stepped in my life and changed me. Clothes for the hottest guy I know ;) Beats by Dre for the boy that fills my life with music. A nixon watch for the boy that forever changed my time here on earth. And of course star wars cups for the marathons ;)
  • 'You cleaned my room?!?!?! That's so Stacy of you!!!!!'
  • Whilst not in Utah the things I missed most were U92, Tank, and a home cooked meal ;)
  • Too many shoessss for christmas :)
Well, now we're basically caught up to speed :) I know new years resolutions are for insecure idiots, but Yeah.... I made one. They're lame though, but not lame in the 'lose weight' kind of way. Lame as in it's 'take out my contacts at night' ballerrrr. Barbering has started up again and I used to super duper hate men's hair, but yesterday I was nonstop taking clients and I felt pretty good about it :) I finally understand and that's a good thing :) and I don't have class with Sarah or McKenzie anymore, so I'm not really stressed :) And yesterday Eric came in to get a shave and a haircut and I got them signed off on my blue sheet :) :) :) :) THANK YOU SO MUCH. Not that it's a big deal or anything ;) I'm just really happy :) a new year is exactly what I needed :)

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